Element No(Glass) 5598
Clone name FE0164
Accession_01 AU174642
Accession_02 -
Locus name -
Chr type -
EST cluster type -
Availability true
3'UTR M /no check -
Full insert M /no check no
Destination Plate DPlate 058
Dplate Pos F04
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Putative Identification >LEEXTEN5_1(X55685|pid:g1345537) Tomato extensin mRNA (clone uG-18); Protein sequence is in conflict with the conceptual translation; ORF. &S14974(S14974)