Element No(Glass) 5872
Clone name RA0286
Accession_01 D23831
Accession_02 AU164531
Locus name -
Chr type -
EST cluster type -
Availability true
3'UTR M /no check -
Full insert M /no check -
Destination Plate DPlate 061
Dplate Pos H02
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Putative Identification >AC002329_18(AC002329|pid:g2262173) DNA sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana BAC F5J6 from chromosome IV, complete sequence; signature for active site of class II pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductases located from residues 197 to 219 [CAVCD...IGGGD].