Element No(Glass) 5888
Clone name RA0369
Accession_01 AU173086
Accession_02 AU173087
Locus name -
Chr type -
EST cluster type -
Availability true
3'UTR M /no check -
Full insert M /no check -
Destination Plate DPlate 061
Dplate Pos H04
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Putative Identification >ATF18F4_17(AL021637|pid:g2827661) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA chromosome 4, BAC clone F18F4 (ESSAII project); Protein sequence is in conflict with the conceptual translation; 5-substituted hydantoins to the corresponding L-amino acids, Pseudomonas sp., PIR2:D42594; contains EST gb:T45208.