Element No(Glass) 7463
Clone name SA0655
Accession_01 AU162697
Accession_02 AU056522
Locus name S20655
Chr type 1
EST cluster type G
Availability true
3'UTR M /no check -
Full insert M /no check -
Destination Plate DPlate 076
Dplate Pos G09
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Mapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Upper)
Unmapped 3'UTR Primer seq (Lower)
Putative Identification >ATATAF1_1(X74755|pid:g1345506) A.thaliana ATAF1 mRNA; Protein sequence is in conflict with the conceptual translation.. &S37101(S37101)