Entry 2407
Residue(mutation) A238S; T240V; G243T; T249M; A253C
Residue -
Functionally important -
Function of the protein transport; movement of ions across the cell membrane
Location -
Protein Name(abbreviation) Na-K-Cl cotransporter NKCC2B
Source(scientific name) Oryctolagus cuniculus
Source(english name) rabbit
Authors Gim?nez I, Forbush B
Journal Reference J Biol Chem. 2007 Mar 2;282(9):6540-7
PMID 17186942
Experiments flux experiments
Experimental data 3.1
Parameter Flux (mMol/oocyte/hr)
Methods/conditions kinetic analysis
Sec. Str -
Uniprot ID S12A1_RABIT (P55015)
Type Helix
Remarks -
Keywords ion affinities; mutagenic approach; F variant; chloride inding; translocation domains