Entry 2541
Residue(mutation) D558N
Residue -
Functionally important -
Function of the protein cellular signaling
Location -
Protein Name(abbreviation) Hemolysin-Adenylate cyclase Toxin
Source(scientific name) Bordetella pertussis
Source(english name) -
Authors Basler M, Knapp O, Masin J, Fiser R, Maier E, Benz R, Sebo P, Osicka R
Journal Reference J Biol Chem. 2007 Apr 27;282(17):12419-29
PMID 17347146
Experiments Mutagenesis
Experimental data 40
Parameter Conductance (pS)
Methods/conditions -
Sec. Str -
Uniprot ID Q3SAJ8_9BORD (Q3SAJ8)
Type Helix
Remarks -
Keywords amphipathic; activity; hemolytic activity; propensity; toxin pores