Entry 2838
Residue(mutation) G197A
Residue -
Functionally important -
Function of the protein activation; receptor
Location -
Protein Name(abbreviation) beta1-adrenergic receptor
Source(scientific name) Meleagris gallopavo
Source(english name) Common turkey
Authors Serrano-Vega MJ, Magnani F, Shibata Y, Tate CG
Journal Reference Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jan 22;105(3):877-82. Epub 2008 Jan 11
PMID 18192400
Experiments Activity measurements
Experimental data 50
Parameter Stability Quotient (%)
Methods/conditions -
Sec. Str -
Uniprot ID ADRB1_MELGA (P07700)
Type Helix
Remarks -
Keywords Gprotein-coupled receptor; membrane protein; stabilization