Entry 834
Residue(mutation) N459Q
Residue N459
Functionally important YES
Function of the protein Nitrate transport;structural/functional
Location -
Protein Name(abbreviation) High-affinity nitrate transporter
Source(scientific name) Aspergillus nidulans
Source(english name) -
Authors Unkles SE, Rouch DA, Wang Y, Siddiqi MY, Glass AD, Kinghorn JR.
Journal Reference Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Dec 14;101(50):17549-54
PMID 15576512
Experiments Nitrate influx assays
Experimental data 0.163±0.026
Parameter Km (mM)
Methods/conditions -
Sec. Str -
Uniprot ID Q8X193_EMENI
Type Helix
Remarks -
Keywords anion transport; membrane protein; nitrate permease; transmembrane domain