Life science projects in Japan

Former name: Genome, post genome projects in Japan

Project for Development of Innovative Life Science Technology in 21 st Century
Project Name Project for Development of Innovative Life Science Technology in 21 st Century
Start Year 2002
End Year 2004
Implementing Period -
Budget Amount 285 million yen (FY2003)
285 million yen (FY2004)
Major Researchers -
Summary The project to put results of life science basic researches into practical use
Major Features of Project This is the project to put results of life science basic researches into practical use. It covers many fields of research. It was planed to continue by FY2006. In the beginning of the project, it consisted of the following 4 programs, and each program consisted of some fields of research.
The programs in the beginning of the project:
- Translational Research Program
- Development of Basis for Personalized Medicine Program
- Development of Advanced Analysis Technology Program
- Research and Development Program for Emerging and Fused Fields

However, at least in FY2004, those programs were changed to the following 5 programs.
- Translational Research Program
- Development of Basis for Personalized Medicine Program
- Development of Advanced Analysis Technology Program
- Research Program for Life Science Safety
- Others (cultivation of human resources for bio technology etc.)

Additionally, on the basis of interim evaluation in 2004, the project was revised drastically. Some researches were succeeded to the projects such as "Genome Network Project"( ), "The BioBank Japan Project on the implementation of personalized medicine" ( ), "The project for realization of regenerative medicine", "Research Promotion for Innovative Therapies against Cancer" and so on, while other researches were finished. This project itself has finished in FY2004.
Description of Project -
Public Release Status -
Classification of Database Public Release Status -
Public Database -
Data Download Site -
Website -
Implementing Ministry/Agency Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Reports -
Evaluation Reports Interim evaluation document in FY2004 ( )(Japanese)
Other Literatures - Project's outline( )(Japanese)
- Website of a field in "Research and Development Program for Emerging and Fused Fields"( ) (Japanese)