Arabidopsis thaliana
Scientific name Arabidopsis thaliana
Status Finished
Chromosome number 2n=10
Genome size 120 Mb
Year 2000
Sequencing method Sanger (Clone-based)
Read counts -
Covered genome region 115.4 Mb
Sequencing depth -
Assembly method restriction fragment 'fingerprint' analysis of BAC clones, by hybridization or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of sequence-tagged sites and by hybridization and Southern blotting
Number of scaffolds -
Contig counts 10
Gene annotation method Genscan, GeneMark.HMM, Xgrail Genefinder, GlimmerA, NetGene, Splice Predictor, GeneSplicer
Number of predicted genes 27,416 (TAIR10)
Genome database TAIR
Assembly release TAIR10
Annotation release TAIR10
Reference1 (DOI) 10.1038/35048692
Reference1 (PMID) 11130711
Reference2 (DOI) -
Other reference (DOI) -