Solanum tuberosum
Scientific name Solanum tuberosum
Status Finished
Chromosome number 2n=24
Genome size 840 Mb
Year 2011
Sequencing method Sanger, Roche GS FLX Titanium, Illumina GA II
Read counts 96.6 Gb
Covered genome region 727 Mb
Sequencing depth 122.81x
Assembly method SOAPdenovo
Number of scaffolds 1,252
Contig counts 67,148
Gene annotation method A combined approach30 on the repeat masked genome with ab initio gene predictions, protein similarity and transcripts to build optimal gene models.
Number of predicted genes 39,031
Genome database PGSC
Assembly release v4.03
Annotation release v4.03
Reference1 (DOI) 10.1038/nature10158
Reference1 (PMID) 21743474
Reference2 (DOI) -
Other reference (DOI) -