Identifier -141NTG13
Accession number S000335
Date (operation) author 16-Feb-2001 (last modified) seki
Description "-141 sequence"; Binding site of tobacco (N.t.) TGA1a-related protein,PG13, found in the G13 gene promoter; PG13 (Protein encoded by G13) shows high homology to TGA1a; ASF-1, PG13, and TGA1a bind to the same target sequence in the 5' upstream region of G13 suggesting that autoregulation of transcription may involved in the control of G13 expression; TGA1a is preferentially expressed in root tip meristems; TGA1a may contribute to the expression of GST isoenzymes, especially in root tip meristems;
Keywords TGA1a; G13; ASF1; ASF-1; bZip; xenobiotic stress; root; meristem;
Species tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Reference references