Identifier ACEATCHS
Accession number S000355
Date (operation) author 02-August-2006 (last modified) kehi
Description "ACEAtCHS (ACGT containing element)" found in the LRU (light-responsive unit) in Arabidopsis (A.t.) chalcone synthase (CHS) gene promoter; Required for UV-B and UV-1/blue light responsiveness; See S000356; Transcriptional repression by AtMYB4 controls production of UV-protecting sun screens in Arabidopsis; AtMYB4 mutant shows enhanced levels of sinapate ester in leaves and tolerance of UV-B irradiation; AtMYB4 expression is downregulated by exposure to UV-B light;
Keywords CHS; ACE; MYB; light; UV-A; UV-B; MYB4; leaf; shoot;
Species Arabidopsis thaliana
Reference references