Accession number S000232
Date (operation) author 02-August-2006 (last modified) kehi
Description "AGC box" repeated twice in a 61 bp enhancer element in tobacco (N.p.) class I beta-1,3-glucanase (GLB) gene; See S000036, S000089; "GCC-box"; Binding sequence of Arabidopsis AtERFs; AtERF1,2 and 5 functioned as activators of GCC box-dependent transcription; AtERF3 and 4 acted as repressors; AtERF proteins are stress signal-response factors; EREBP2 binding site; Conserved in most PR-protein genes; Rice MAPK (BWMK1) phosphorylates OS EREBP1, which enhance DNA-binding activity of the factor to the GCC box;
Keywords AGC box; GLB; ERE; ERFs; Ethylene; GCC-box; Neutral PR-5; osmotin-like protein; EREBP2; MAPK; BWMK1; PR box;
Species tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia); Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana); tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris); Oryza sativa; rice;
Reference references