Identifier D1GMAUX28
Accession number S000328
Date (operation) author 20-Feb-2002 (last modified) uchi
Description "D1"; DNase I protected sequence found in the soybean (G.m.) auxin responsive gene, Aux28, promoter; D1 and D4 share a very similar core sequence TAGTXXCTGT and TAGTXCTGT, respectively; D1/D4-like sequence were identified in several other auxin-responsive genes; Binding site of GmGT-2 which is the GT-2 family of transcription factors; GmGT-2 are down-regulated by light in a phytochrome-dependent manner; See 000331;
Keywords Auxin; Aux28; GT-2; phytochrome; D1; hypocotyl;
Species soybean (Glycine max)
Reference references