Accession number S000142
Date (operation) author 22-June-2006 (last modified) kehi
Description ElRE (Elicitor Responsive Element) core of parsley (P.c.) PR1 genes; consensus sequence of elements W1 and W2 of parsley PR1-1 and PR1-2 promoters; Box W1 and W2 are the binding site of WRKY1 and WRKY2, respectively; ERE; "WA box"; One of the W boxes found in the Parsley (P.c.) WRKY1 gene promoter; Required for elicitor responsiveness; See S000310; "WC box" WB box (S000310) and WC box constitute a palindrome; WRKY1 protein binding site; W-box found in thioredoxin h5 gene in Arabidopsis (Laloi et al.);
Keywords Elicitor; PR1; ElRE; ELRE; ERE; W box; WRKY1; palindrome; salicylic acid; TMV;
Species Petroselinum crispum (parsley); Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco);
Reference references