Accession number S000198
Date (operation) author 11-May-2006 (last modified) kehi
Description Consensus GT-1 binding site in many light-regulated genes, e.g., RBCS from many species, PHYA from oat and rice, spinach RCA and PETA, and bean CHS15; R=A/G; W=A/T; For a compilation of related GT elements and factors, see Villain et al. (1996); GT-1 can stabilize the TFIIA-TBP-DNA (TATA box) complex; The activation mechanism of GT-1 may be achieved through direct interaction between TFIIA and GT-1; Binding of GT-1-like factors to the PR-1a promoter influences the level of SA-inducible gene expression;
Keywords GT-1; light; TATA; TFIIA; TBP; HR; SAR; TMV; leaf; shoot;
Species pea (Pisum sativum); oat (Avena sativa); rice (Oryza sativa); tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum); Arabidopsis thaliana; spinach (Spinacia oleracea); bean;
Reference references