Accession number S000053
Date (operation) author 11-May-2006 (last modified) kehi
Description "hexamer motif" found in promoter of wheat (T.a.) histone genes H3 and H4; CaMV35S; NOS; Binding with HBP-1A and HBP-1B; Binding site of wheat (T.a.) nuclear protein HBP-1 (histone DNA binding protein-1); HBP-1 has a leucine zipper motif; "hexamer motif" in type 1 element may play important roles in regulation of replication- dependent but not of replication-independent expression of the wheat histone H3 gene; See S000076, S000267; Rice OBF1-homodimer-binding site (Shimizu et al.);
Keywords hexamer; HBP-1A; HBP-1B; histone H3; CaMV; 35S; NOS; HBP-1; Leucine zipper motif; meristem; OBF1; bZIP; lip19; LIP19;
Species wheat (Triticum aestivum); CaMV; Oryza sativa (rice);
Reference references