Identifier OBF5ATGST6
Accession number S000304
Date (operation) author 29-Sep-2003 (last modified) kehi
Description "OBF5 (ocs element binding factor 5)" binding site found in the Arabidopsis (A.t.) GST6 gene promoter; Similar to Ocs sequence; Located between -426 and -401; See S000305; Overexpression of OBP3 lead to severe growth defect with altered root development and yellowish leaves; All OBP proteins contain transcriptional activation domains in their C-terminal region; Dof protein play important roles in plant growth and development; Binding site of OBF4 and OBF5; See S000305, S000346;
Keywords GST; Ocs; OBF; OBP; auxin; SA; cycloheximide, Dof; TGA; pathogen; root; leaf; shoot;
Species Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
Reference references