Pyropia yezoensis
Scientific name Pyropia yezoensis
Scientific name authority Pyropia yezoensis (Ueda) M.S.Hwang & H.G.Choi
Taxonomy ID 2788
Phylum division -
Family Bangiaceae
Genus Pyropia
Species yezoensis
Variety -
Common name Susabi-nori
Synonym Porphyra yezoensis
Resource info -
Reference handle: 2115/23458
Sequencing method Roche GS-FLX/FLX+, Illumina GA IIx
Reads count 9.7 Gb
Assembly method CLC Assembly Cell version 4.06 beta
Sequencing depth 166x
Gene annotation method AUGUSTUS
Contig count 46634
Scaffold count -
Gene count 10327
Chromosome count 2n=6
Covered region 43 Mb
Genome size 260
ORF count -
GC content -
Contact -
Country -

Seaweeds belonging to the Bangiaceae family are distributed along the coastline worldwide, except for tropical regions. There are as many as 29 species along the Japanese coastline. Major species are asakusa-nori and susabi-nori. The life cycle of P. yezoensis consists of leafy gametophytes and filamentous sporophytes. The lifecycle can be completed in a laboratory culture system. In 2013, a Japanese group published a draft genome sequence, which indicated that the genome size of P. yezoensis is 65 Mb; approximately 25% of previous predictions.

(1) Nakamura Y et al. (2013) The First Symbiont-Free Genome Sequence of Marine Red Alga, Susabi-nori (Pyropia yezoensis). PLOS ONE 8(3):e57122.