ID CBRC-GGOR-01-0919
Number 5
Leftend 1
Rightend 322
Name pdb|2QW9|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Hsc70 (1-394aa)in The Apo State pdb|2QW9|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Hsc70 (1-394aa)in The Apo State pdb|2QWL|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Hsc70 (1-394aa)in The Adp State pdb|2QWL|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Hsc70 (1-394aa)in The Adp State pdb|2QWM|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Hsc70 (1-394aa)in The AdpVi State pdb|2QWM|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Hsc70 (1-394aa)in The AdpVi State
E-Value 1e-155
Identity 89%